Custom House Dedication
Subway Opening, Oct. 27, 1904
Custom House [55 Wall Street]
New York Custom House. Grand staircase, interior.
"Rough Rider" [Crowd at what might be the Columbian Day Parade, 1892]
Perspective, U.S. Custom House.
New York Custom House, interior of rotunda.
N.Y. Custom House Ceiling Designs by Reginald Marsh. [Sketch of the layout of the Custom House murals]
Mr. Roosevelt's House, [Columbian Celebration], 1892
Bowling Green. New York U.S. Custom House, entrance.
New Custom House.
Bowling Green. New York Custom House, detail of top.
New Custom House, New York.
Bowling Green. New York U.S. Custom House, dome.
Exterior of Residential Row of Houses
U.S. Custom House, New York.
U. S. Custom House, New York.
[U.S. Customs House.]