Lady Atherly of London (?)
Mrs. Peter Brugueire and child
[Unidenified man in houndstooth suit and Pince-nez]
[Unidentified man in black tie with pearl tie pin]
Frank [Jay] Gould
James Brown Potter
Anthony Drexel Biddle
Ed Morgan
John Stone
[Unidentified man in polka dotted cravat]
[Unidentified man with black bow tie]
[Unidentified man in dark suit with a tie pin and moustache]
Mr. Andrews (Archeologist)
Potts Boy (?)
The Honorable Mrs. Clay (Daughter of William Waldorf Astor)
Commodore Ledyer (New York Yacht Club)
J. P. Morgan's niece, Miss Morgan
Mrs. Edward Beal McLean (Evalyn Walsh)