Cigar Store Series
Cigar Store Indian series
Cigar Store Indian series, Central Cigar
Cigar Store Indian series, "Cigar Indian in Brooklyn"
Cigar Store Indian series, "Moorish Queen", J. Mirejovski store
Cigar Store Indian series, C. Ambruster & Co.
Cigar Store Indian series, Henry E. Baer[?] store
Cigar Store Indian series, C. Armbruster & Co.
Cigar Store Indian series (post for Silvers Cafe)
Cigar Store Indian series [Statue of a Scotsman in front of liquor store]
Cigar Store Indian series, "3rd Avenue opposite Cooper Institute"
[Village store.]
Alice Palmer sitting by the fire in the Village Store
Cigar Store Indian series, "Aztec Indian", Edward Luchesi, Manufacture of fine segars, 8 8th Ave.
Alice Sit by the Fire, The Village Store in Greenwich Village
Little Russia
Cigar Store Indian series, 26th St. & Second Avenue, S. Ehrlich Cigars