The Union League Club
[Union League club menu.]
[Union League Club.]
Clubs, Union League.
City Historical Club Members
Union Square Park, 4th Ave. and 17th St.
[One-month extension of honorary membership to the Union League Club for Charles Thomas Mills.]
[The Union League Club of the City of New York dinner.]
Dinner in honour of Mr. Samuel W. Fairchild President of the Union League Club 1911-1914
Union League Club, New York.
Union League Club & Arnold Constable Bldg.
Dinner in honour of Mr. George T. Wilson given by members of the Union League Club of New York
Union League Club, Park Ave. & E. 37th St.
W. K. Vanderbilt house
Union League Club, Park Ave. & 37th St.
[Decorations for the Hudson-Fulton Parade on Fifth Avenue.]
Fall River Line [and piers and boats in New York harbor]
The Union League Club. Dinner Given by the Members of the Club of 1863 and 1864
New York Naval Reserves parade, Broadway and Union Square