A Greenwich Village Alley with Modern Art Lines
A Greenwich Village Alley, With Modern Art Lines
MacDougal Alley, Greenwich Village
Black Parrot Court, A Quaint Corner in Greenwich Village
Patchin Place, Greenwich Village
Patchin Place in Greenwich Village
Black Parrot Court, a Quaint Corner in Greenwich Village
Patchin Place, A Little Walled-in Corner in Greenwich Village, New York.
Greenwich Village, Grove Park
Patchin Place, In Greenwich Village
The Greenwich Village Theatre
A Bit of Old New York, Milligan Place, Greenwich Village
Polly's Restaurant, Greenwich Village
MacDougal Alley
MacDougal Alley, N.Y.
[Village store.]
Milligan Place, Sixth Ave. near Tenth St., Greenwich Village
The Crumperie, Greenwich Village
Alice Sit by the Fire, The Village Store in Greenwich Village