[Broadway and 135th Street.]
5th Avenue and 117th Street
On horseback, 155th Street
135th Street Gate House - Interior [Croton System.]
North Presbyterian Church, 155th Street
Viaduct, 155th Street, Harlem Bridge
Convent Avenue between 136th and 137th Streets. Episcopal House and Orphan Asylum.
[522 West 136th Street.]
West 136th Street. Harlem Hospital.
135th Street Gate House - Exterior [Croton System.]
125th Street and Lenox Avenue after 15" snowfall
[Harlem Hospital, W. 135th Street between Lenox Avenue and 5th Avenue.]
[The New] Hotel, 127th Street and 7th Avenue
[Subway construction on Broadway near 135th Street.]
[136th Street and Lenox Avenue. Harlem Hospital, exterior.]
136th Street from Riverside.
[609-629 West 136th Street.]