[Water Works Tower & High Bridge.]
[High Bridge Water Tower.]
Washington Bridge under construction, taken June 10, 1887, from High Bridge
[Water tower and railroad tracks.]
[High Bridge and water tower.]
South Brooklyn, 3rd Avenue and 8th Street, men laying railroad tracks
Elevated Railroad [tracks from below]
Brooklyn Bridge [showing the tracks and pedestrians on the walkway]
Harlem River Bridge
[High Bridge and Tower.]
[High Bridge.]
View from Fort George across Harlem River showing aqueduct excavation
[A. Washington Bridge ; B. Railroad tracks.]
[Street scene with elevated railroad curve and bridge in distance]
Washington Bridge and Speedway [crowds watch horse carriages passing by]
[Crowds watching boat races under Washington Bridge, Harlem River]
[Boat races on Harlem River under Washington Bridge]
From N.Y.U. showing the Harlem River