Broadway from the Battery
Battery Park
Elevated Railroad [tracks from below]
[Downtown Manhattan from a rooftop, including St. Paul's Steeple]
The Battery [from the harbor, close-up]
[Manhattan skyline from the East River]
At the Battery
[Looking south from the Battery to Governors Island.]
"New Amsterdam Today", view of the Battery [canal barges in the foreground, tall buildings behind]
[Unidentified residence in winter, elevated railway at left]
St. Alphonsus Liguori Church
The Old Post Office, from Broadway at St. Paul's Church
Aerial view from Fulton Street looking north
[Base and inscription for Abraham de Peyster Statue, steam locomotive on elevated railroad in the background]
Discarded Fleet of Railroad Locomotives, Harlem River Yard
Church, 58th Street and Broadway
St. Paul's Chapel
St. Mary's Schoolship at New York Dock
Returning from fire