[Unidentified man in dark suit with a white collar]
William Rockefeller
James Van Allen
[Unidentified man in Edwardian collared suit and pince-nez]
Senator Foraker's Daughter
[Unidentified man with prominent moustache]
[Unidentified man in grey suit, holding a hat, cane, and gloves]
Miss M. McKee
John Bradley Great Grand Father [of] Drexel Biddle
Anthony Drexel Biddle
William K. Vanderbilt, Jr.
Lady Atherly of London (?)
Mrs. Frank Jay Gould [Edith Gould]
Dan Loring
Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt
[Unidentified man standing next to table with top hat]
"Alva Willing" Mrs. John [Jacob] Astor
Rhinelander Stewart
German princeling
Louis Lorillard