[Hand-tinted portrait of unidentified woman in a high-necked lace blouse]
[Unidentified woman with large hat in front of landscape backdrop]
Unidentified woman in high collar and feathered hat, in profile]
[Unidentified woman with fur stole and hat]
[Unidentified woman in high-necked dress and hat, arm resting on a table, in front of a mirror]
[Unidentified woman in satin dress wearing gloves, a choker, and large hat, with landscape backdrop]
[Unidentified woman in black with hat and pearl earrings.]
[Unidentified older woman in hat and black lace overcoat]
[Unidentified woman in satin dress and flowered hat.]
[Unidentified sitter in hat and tunic]
[Unidentified woman in fur-lined hat and fur coat]
[Unidentified woman in embroidered square-necked dress]
[Unidentified woman in black décolleté dress with large pendant necklace]
[Unidentified girl in white fur coat, hat, and muff]
[Unidentified woman in in hat and black fur coat]
[Unidentified woman in profile, with pearl earrings and décolleté dress]
[Unidentified man standing next to table with top hat]
[Unidentified woman holding flowers with landscape backdrop]
[Unidentified woman with décolleté embroidered dress, choker and tiara.]
[Unidentified woman with square-cut décolleté dress, in profile]