[Thompson Street.]
Thompson Street and Broome Street. Tunnel Garage
[88 Thompson Street]
[St. Ambrose Church, corner of Prince Street and Thompson Street.]
Thompson Street and Prince Street [Temple Street to Wall Street]
88 Thompson
St. Ambros Church, Cor. of Prince and Thompson St.
[Watts, Thompson and Broome Streets, with the Tunnel Garage on the right.]
Vicinity of 190 Prince Street. View of model tenements [street scene].showing range in kitchen.
143-155 Varick Street at Vandam Street, S.W. corner.
[Southeast corner of Thompson Street and 4th Street.]
233-245 Spring Street.
Vicinity of 190 Prince Street. View of model tenements showing range in kitchen.
189 Varick Street at the corner of King Street. Tenements.
[Map of lots from Washington to Renwick Streets between Spring and Vandam Streets]
201 Varick Street at Houston Street. United States Appraisers Stores, entrance detail.
[497-513 Greenwich Street]
214 Sullivan Street.
Greenwich Street at the N.E. corner of Spring Street. Building.
Washington Street and King Street. Baker Smith and Co. Building.