[Unidentified child in white sailor-style shirt]
[Unidentified child in white sailor-style shirt.]
[Unidentified boy in white sailor-style shirt]
Unidentified child in sailor shirt]
[Two unidentified girls in bonnets and white lace dresses]
[Unidentified boy in sailor suit, head in hand]
[Profile of unidentifed girl in white dress and necklace]
[Unidentified girl in white fur coat, hat, and muff]
[Unidentified woman and child in a sailor shirt]
[Unidentified boy in white suit with black leather shoes, landscape backdrop]
[Profile of unidentified girl with bow in her hair.]
[Oval portrait of unidentified child in white shirt with bow]
[Unidentified boy with white collar]
[Unidentified woman in white dress holding bouquet]
[Unidentified woman in white dress, landscape backdrop.]
[Unidentified woman in white dress holding flowers]
[Unidentified girl seated with landscape backdrop.]
[Unidentified woman in square décolleté dress, in profile]
[Unidentified woman in white dress with pearl necklace and earrings, in profile]
[Profile of unidentified woman in a white dress in furnished room]