Washington Bridge on the East River
High Bridge Surroundings [showing water tower and railroad tracks]
Untitled [The pedestrian walkway on the Brooklyn Bridge.]
Harlem River Bridge
"Clearance Building" [under construction, pedestrians looking on]
On the Hudson River
South Brooklyn, 3rd Avenue and 8th Street, men laying railroad tracks
[Pedestrians on Brooklyn Bridge.]
[Street scene with pedestrians on the corner and horse and buggy]
Washington Bridge and Speedway [crowds watch horse carriages passing by]
Brooklyn Bridge [view of the bridge from a rooftop, with the buildings around Fulton Street in the foreground]
[Street scene with elevated railroad curve and bridge in distance]
Pine's Bridge
Lincoln Bridge (?)
Ruin of Old Mill Bridge
On the Bronx [River] near Bedford Station
Wooden Bridge, Central Park
Elevated Railroad [tracks from below]
Untitled [Pedestrian walkway at the Brooklyn entrace to the Brooklyn Bridge.]
New York Harbor with Brooklyn Bridge in Background