124th Street and 14th Avenue. St. Fidelis Parochial School
St. Fidelis Parochial School, interior entrance hall.
Hoe Avenue and 167th Street. Parochial School.
124-126 East 124th Street. Carey Bros. Garage.
14th Street and 5th Avenue. Lane's Store Lerner, 14th Street entrance.
207th Street and Perry Avenue. Street Brendan's Parochial School, view classroom.
East 156th Street. St. Adelbert's Parochial School.
Jamaica Estates. St. Monicas Parochial School
207th Street and Perry Avenue. Street Brendan's Parochial School, auditorium.
64 West 124th Street. Baroness Apartment House.
5th Avenue and 14th Street. Loft building.
East 207th Street and Perry Avenue. Saint Brendan's Parochial School
80 5th Avenue and 14th Street, S.W. corner. .
207th Street and Perry Avenue. Saint Brendan's Parochial School. Church
62 West 124th Street. Duchess Apartment House.
14th Street and 4th Avenue. German Savings Bank.
183rd Street and Washington Avenue. Parochial school.