Chapman [residence], Fieldston. Rear gable detail.
Griffin [residence], Fieldston. Vertical detail.
Charles H. Galle [residence]. 250th Street and Fieldston Road, Fieldston, N.Y.C. Gable detail from north.
Shea [residence], Fieldston. Doorway detail.
Dr. Wright [residence], Fieldston. Entrance detail.
Degener [residence], Fieldston. Sharp view from side.
Mr. George F. Wagner [residence], Fieldston, N.Y. Detail of side, sharp view.
Charles Evans Highes Jr. [residence], Fieldston. Garage detail.
George F. Wagner [residence]. Vertical detail of Court Gables.
Hughes [residence]. Fieldston. Garage.
George F. Wagner [residence], Fieldston, NYC. Detail, balcony and roof.
Degener [residence], Fieldston. Doorway.
Dr. Wright [residence], Fieldston. Exterior.
Griffin [residence], Fieldston. General view.
J. K. Nimock [residence]. 246th Street and Fieldston Road, Fieldston, N.Y.C. Entrance detail.
Sidney D. Gamble [residence], 3740 Fieldston Road, N.Y.C. Detail of rear.
Degener [residence], Fieldston. From southeast.
George F. Wagner [residence], Fieldston, New York City. Vertical detail, west end.
S. Galban [residence]. Vertical detail of garden side.
Dwight James Baum [residence], Fieldston. Sun porch.