Dwight James Baum [residence]. Rear doorway.
Dwight James Baum [residence], Fieldston. Rear doorway.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Side entrance.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Doorway detail.
Dwight James Baum [residence], Fieldston. Sun porch.
Dwight James Baum [residence], Fieldston. Corner entrance rear.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Sun room to sofa & mural.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Sun room to small window.
Dr. Buckley [residence]. Dining room.
Percival Wilds [residence]. Dining room fireplace.
Simone La Sala [residence]. Dining room.
Charles B. Spencer [residence]. Dining room.
Nicolas E. Bates [residence]. Dining room toward hall.
Anthony Campagna [residence]. Dining room, general view.
George F. Wagner [residence]. Dining room (2).
Miss Elizabeth Malady [residence]. Dining room thru arch.
Nicolas E. Bates [residence]. Dining room toward window.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Riverdale on Hudson, N.Y.C. Sun room to palladian window.
Dalton E. Perper [residence]. Vista from living room to dining room.
George F. Wagner [residence]. Dining room (1).