Dwight James Baum [residence], Fieldston. Rear doorway.
Dwight James Baum [residence], Fieldston. Corner entrance rear.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Rear doorway.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Dining room.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Side entrance.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Doorway detail.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Sun room to sofa & mural.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Sun room to small window.
Degener [residence], Fieldston. Doorway.
Chapman [residence], Fieldston. Rear gable detail.
Hughes [residence]. Fieldston. Garage.
Dwight James Baum [residence]. Riverdale on Hudson, N.Y.C. Sun room to palladian window.
H. S. La Sala [residence]. 4601 Fieldston Road, Fieldston. General front view from center.
Albert D. Phelps [residence]. Fieldston Road, Fieldston, N.Y.C. General view of front.
Degener [residence], Fieldston. From southeast.
Shea [residence], Fieldston. Doorway detail.
Dr. Wright [residence], Fieldston. Exterior.
Griffin [residence], Fieldston. General view.
Griffin [residence], Fieldston. Vertical detail.
Dr. Wright [residence], Fieldston. Entrance detail.