Eastern Parkway. Brooklyn Institute [of] Arts and Sciences, view of statuary on top.
Eastern Parkway. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, detail of portico.
Eastern Parkway and Washington Avenue. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, view of statuary on top
[Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences.]
225 Eastern Parkway. Municipal Bank Building, general exterior.
Eastern Parkway. Catholic High School for Girls, general exterior.
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, entrance lobby.
667 Eastern Parkway. Brooklyn Jewish Center
[Grand Army Plaza and Eastern Parkway. Brooklyn Public Library, central branch, exterior view.]
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Gallery, interior.
Grand Army Plaza and Eastern Parkway. Brooklyn Public Library, central branch, exterior view.
Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Parkway. (Under Construction)
667 Eastern Parkway. Brooklyn Jewish Center.
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Statuary Hall, interior.
201 Eastern Parkway and Washington Avenue. Adelphi Hall, general view.