Looking East on 34th Street from opposite Penn Station
New York City views. Looking north from 2 Park Avenue.
Street Scene Looking South Down Fifth Ave. from 34th Street.
New York City views. Macy's sign and Empire State II.
[East Side of Fifth Avenue from 35th to 34th Streets.]
160 East 72nd Street, New York City. General view from Lexington Avenue.
10 East 40th Street, New York City. View from Park Avenue and 39th Street.
New York City views. Looking southeast from McGraw-Hill Building.
Street Scenes, 34th Street & 5th Avenue.
New York City views. Grand Central district (2) from the Panhellanic Building.
Street Scenes, Lexington Avenue & 34th Street.
East 34th Street [24th Street to 42nd Street]
34th Street and Lexington Ave. N.Y. [Lexington Avenue. Looking South from 34th Street.]
Sixth Avenue and 34th Street [Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue]
Eighth Avenue and 34th Street [Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue]
New York City views. View west from Tudor City.
Bowery Savings Bank. From officer's desk
10 East 40th Street. General view from seventh floor, Buckley Newhall building.
Bowery Savings Bank, from screen to front.