Cosmopolitan Club. Rear from Lee House I.
Cosmopolitan Club. Rear from Lee House II.
Cosmopolitan Club. Horizontal balcony detail from Lee house.
Cosmopolitan Club. Detail of rear balconies from causeway.
Cosmopolitan Club. Rear from causeway, vertical.
Cosmopolitan Club. Rear from causeway, horizontal.
Cosmopolitan Club. Terrace.
Cosmopolitan Club. Reception room from door I.
Cosmopolitan Club. Gallery.
Cosmopolitan Club. Dining room chandelier detail
Cosmopolitan Club. Reception room from door II.
Cosmopolitan Club. Balcony terrace horizontal.
Cosmopolitan Club. Dining room from entrance.
Cosmopolitan Club. Ball room general view.
Cosmopolitan Club. Reception room window.
Cosmopolitan Club. Sharp sidewalk view of 66th St. facade.
Cosmopolitan Club. Library to fireplace.
Cosmopolitan Club. Wall fountain.
Cosmopolitan Club. 65th Street entrance door.
Cosmopolitan Club. Lounge fireplace.