Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Door and columns.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Detail of 3 columns, 2.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Detail of 3 columns, 1.
Richard F. Lawrence [residence]. Vista thru living room to dining room.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Dining room III.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Fireplace dining room.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Dining room II.
Mrs. Edgar Auchincloss [residence]. Library, direct view to fireplace.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Dining room IV.
Bernard Benson [residence]. General view, dining room.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Dining room I.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. Single panel dining room.
W. S. Hobart Jr. [residence]. Dining room.
Walter Rothschild [residence]. Dining room to rear wall.
Mrs. Edgar Auchincloss [residence]. Library to corner.
Dr. Robert Fowler [residence]. Dining room.
Lawrence Copley Thaw [residence]. 13 East 69th Street, N.Y.C.
Mrs. Edgar Auchincloss [residence]. Entrance hall.
Cosmopolitan Club. Dining room general view.
Bruce Barton [residence]. Dining room, general view.