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Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Entrance arch and door.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Entrance arch and door.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Conference room.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Conference room.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Mr. Paterno's office, horizontal cassone and fireplace.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Mr. Paterno's office, horizontal cassone and fireplace.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Mr. Paterno's office, vertical to desk and window.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Mr. Paterno's office, vertical to desk and window.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Reception room.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Reception room.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Dressing room and lavatory.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Dressing room and lavatory.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Detail of corridor.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Detail of corridor.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Mr. Paterno's office, general view to desk and fireplace.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Mr. Paterno's office, general view to desk and fireplace.

Michael E. Paterno [residence], Lincoln Building, NYC. Mr. Paterno's office to dressing room door.

Michael E. Paterno [residence], Lincoln Building, NYC. Mr. Paterno's office to dressing room door.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Vista from dressing room to office.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Vista from dressing room to office.

McGraw-Hill Building. Lobby from entrance.

McGraw-Hill Building. Lobby from entrance.

McGraw-Hill Building. Lobby to entrance, natural light.

McGraw-Hill Building. Lobby to entrance, natural light.

Bruce Barton [residence]. Entrance hall.

Bruce Barton [residence]. Entrance hall.

McGraw-Hill Building. Detail of clock with three figures (lobby).

McGraw-Hill Building. Detail of clock with three figures (lobby).

McGraw-Hill Building. Detail of clock and letterbox (lobby).

McGraw-Hill Building. Detail of clock and letterbox (lobby).

Bernard Benson [residence]. Entrance hall thru arch.

Bernard Benson [residence]. Entrance hall thru arch.

Broadmoor Restaurant. Niche from lobby.

Broadmoor Restaurant. Niche from lobby.

McGraw-Hill Building. Entrance detail.

McGraw-Hill Building. Entrance detail.

Broadmoor Restaurant. Lobby and stairs.

Broadmoor Restaurant. Lobby and stairs.

Bruce Buttfield [residence]. Dining room window detail.

Bruce Buttfield [residence]. Dining room window detail.

Michael E. Paterno [residence]. Entrance lobby.

Accession number 
Unique identifier MNY196652 
Description Located at the Lincoln Building, 60 East 42nd Street / 55 East 41st Street, NYC. 
Dated May 26, 1931 
Physical dimensions width: 7 in
height: 5 in 
File dimensions 14.8 in × 21.0 in at 300dpi
37.7 cm × 53.3 cm at 300dpi 

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