Juliana R. Force [residence]. Living room to window.
Juliana R. Force [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Juliana F. Force [residence]. Living room to piano.
Juliana R. Force [residence]. Bed room to dressing table.
Juliana R. Force Apartment. Whitney Museum, N.Y.C. Living room to piano.
Walter Seligman [residence]. Living room window.
Walter Seligman [residence]. Living room to bar.
Walter Seligman [residence]. Living room fireplace.
Herbert Sondheim [residence]. Living room sofa and lamps sharp.
Thomas Cochrane [residence]. Sofa in living room.
Samuel L. M. Barlow [residence]. Living room general view.
Samuel L. M. Barlow [residence]. Living room window and chess table.
Knox [residence]. Fireplace living room.
Knox [residence]. Bookcases living room.
Faris R. Russell [residence]. Living room to fireplace.
Samuel L. M. Barlow [residence]. Living room fireplace.
Living room in residence on East 70th Street
Faris R. Russell [residence]. Living room to large window.
Herbert Sondheim [residence]. Living room sofa and lamps direct.