Looking towards Empire State from 41st Story - Continental Building
New York City views. Times Square from 41st Story [of the] Continental Building, at night.
Northwest from Empire State [Building], almost dark.
New York City views. View south toward Woolworth Building from the roof of [the] Christodora House.
New York City views. Looking south from Tudor City, night view.
New York City views. Night view south from RCA Building.
New York City views. Macy's sign and Empire State II.
New York City views. Times Square and Sixth Avenue from Warwick Hotel, night.
New York City views. Times Square at night from 44th Street looking north.
New York City views. Macy's sign Empire State I.
New York City views. From Chrysler Building.
Empire State Building, looking northwest.
New York City views. View northwest from the roof of the Christodora House.
New York City views. Looking south from Tudor City, dusk.
Empire State Building.
New York City views. Times Square, rollerflex negative.
New York City views. Empire State [Building] from MacDougal Street.
New York City views. From Chrysler Building, looking north.
New York City views. Grand Central district (2) from the Panhellanic Building.