Sketch of the New York Hospital inside the gates
'The old new york city hospital inside the gates', 1869, eliza greatorex.
The City Hospital, Facade
The Old City Hospital, Broadway and Pearl Street
The Old City Hospital - Broadway and Pearl Street
New York Hospital from Pearl Street
'Inside the gates of the old city hospital, may 28, 1869', by eliza greatorex.
Broadway [Broadway & Murray to Broadway & Canal Street]
Old New York, No. 1 Broadway
Thames Street and Temple Street [Temple Street to Wall Street]
Greenwich and Cedar Streets [Gansevoort Street to Irving Place]
Broadway & 50th Street [Broadway & 43rd Street to End of Broadway]
State Street [Reade Street to Suffolk Street]
Site of the Winter Garden, 1868.
The Old Post Office in Nassau Street
The Middle Dutch Church
Broadway and Bowling Green [Broadway (General) to Broadway and Exchange Place.]
Central Park & Fortifications [Broome Street through Central Park]
New York Harbor from Hobuck N Jersey Shore, drawn by Archibald Robertson
North Dutch Church Old New York, sketch from a window corner of Anne & William Streets