Indenture between Peter Jay Munro with Margaret Munro and James Sarjeant, August 15, 1805
Deed of land between Peter Jay Munro and Leonard Bleecker, August 14, 1804
Land patent issued by Benjamin Fletcher to William Smith, June 17, 1697
Deed between Elizabeth Allaire and Peter Allaire, June 14, 1788
Deed between Peter Allaire with Rebecca Allaire and Calicia Allaire, April 27, 1801
Letter from John Jay to Peter Jay Munro, January 11, 1804
Deed between Abraham Van Ranst, Junior with Elizabeth Van Ranst and Peter Allaire, April 13, 1798
Letter from Peter Jay Munro to John Jay, September 18, 1794
Letter from John Jay to Peter Jay Munro, April 15, 1812
Indenture between John R. Van Ranst with John Van Alst and Peter Allaire, November 30, 1804
Harrison Palmer, heir of Jabish Palmer, to Peter Jay Munro. Release and confirmation of a parcel of land at Mamaroneck, July 10, 1807
Letter from Peter Jay Munro to John Jay, January 6, 1804
Bargain and sale from the President, Directors and Company of the Westchester Turnpike Road to Peter Jay Munro, September 25, 1807
Deed between Thomas Simon with Rachel Simon and Nehemiah Palmer, December 30, 1731