Topographical Atlas of the City of New York Including the Annexed Territory. Showing original water courses and made land.
[Topographical Atlas of the City of New York Including the Annexed Territory. Showing original water courses and made land.]
The Transval of New York
Plan of the City of New York. Showing the made and swamp land.
Topographical Map of Manhattan Square
Map of Property in 12th Ward of the City of New York Belonging to Archibald Watt
Plan of the City of New York
Map of the City of New York, showing original high water line and the location of different Farms and Estates.
Plan of the City of New York.
[Photostat map of Manhattan from 63rd Street to the Battery, showing distances from City Hall]
This actual map and comparative plans showing 88 years growth of the City of New York is inscribed to the citizens by the proprietor, David Longworth