Deed of land between Peter Jay Munro and Leonard Bleecker, August 14, 1804
Will of Peter Jay, January 28, 1778
Will and codicils of Peter Jay, September 21, 1797, May 4, 1802, and July 2, 1813, proved August 5, 1813
Deed of partition between Peter Jay Munro with Margaret Munro and Peter Augustus Jay with Mary Jay, June 27, 1829
Letter from John Jay to John Slidell, March 30, 1803
Letter from Peter Jay Munro to John Jay, August 30, 1794
Letter from John Jay to Peter Jay Munro, April 15, 1812
Letter from Peter Jay Munro to John Blackburn, August 30, 1794
Purchase of farmland in Mamaroneck by Leonard Bleecker on behalf of Peter Jay Munro, August 14, 1804, and executed September 7, 1804
Letter from John Jay to Peter Jay Munro, January 11, 1804
Letter from Peter Jay Munro to John Jay, September 18, 1794
Letter from Peter Jay Munro to John Jay, April 21, 1812
Deed between Peter Allaire with Rebecca Allaire and Calicia Allaire, April 27, 1801
Indenture between Isaac De Riemer and Henry Coerten for land called Dominees Farm, June 11, 1723
Letter from Peter Augustus Jay to Peter Jay Munro, August 28, 1798
Indenture between Abraham Gouverneur, Isaac Gouverneur, Isaac De Riemer and Henry Coerten, and Pieter Oblienis, for land called Dominees Farm, June 12, 1723
Indenture between John Foster with Abigail Foster and Thomas Kellond, and Samuel Palmer, January 1, 1701