Mount Washington Collegiate Institute. Washington Square. 218 Fourth Street.
Union Park Spingler Institute N. York.
Broadway and Union Park [Broadway & 12th Street to Broadway & Madison Square]
The Park Fountain & City Hall N. Y.
New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb.
American Hotel, Broadway
Lunatic Asylum, New York.
The New York Crystal Palace.
Park Place, New York ; American Hotel, Broadway
Green-Wood Cemetery
North Battery, foot of Hubert St. New York
Junction of Broadway & the Bowery
Green - Wood in 1846 by N. Cleaveland Esqr.
Monument to Thos. Freeborn, Pilot, Lost in the Ship John Minturn, February 15, 1846.
A. Junction of Broadway and the Bowery; B. Bay and Harbour of New York.
New York from Weehawk
Ocean Hill.