1233 Avenue A at the N.W. corner of 66th Street. Apartment Building.
640 Park Avenue at 66th Street, N.W. corner. Apartment house.
Madison Avenue at the N.W. corner of 66th Street. Apartment house.
66th Street and Lexington Avenue, N.E. corner. Apartments, general exterior.
West End Avenue at the N.W. corner of 89th Street. General exterior.
865 West End Avenue N.W. corner at 102nd Street. Apartment, general exterior.
66th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. General exterior.
85th Street at the N.W. corner of West End Avenue. General exterior.
104th Street at the N.W. corner of West End Avenue. Apartment house.
905 West End Avenue at the N.W. corner of 104th Street. Apartment house.
915 West End Avenue, S.W. corner at 105th Street. Apartments, general exterior.
66 Central Park West and 66th Street, S.W. corner. Apartment building, exterior.
465 West End Avenue at 82nd Street, N.W. corner. Apartments.
69th Street at the N.W. corner of Madison Avenue. General exterior.
888 Park Avenue and 78th Street, N.W. corner. Apartments, exterior.
66th Street to 70th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Lincoln Towers, view looking N.W. from S.E. corner of 66th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
860 Park Avenue at 77th Street, N.W. corner. Apartments.
Lincoln Towers, aerial view looking N.W. from near 66th Street and Amsterdam Avenue.
660 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 67th Street. Apartments.
215 West 75th Street at the N.E. corner Broadway. Apartments, general exterior.