Shelter Island; View over South Ferry.
Shelter Island; View from the hill toward Prospect & Greenport.
Shelter Island; Our (Indian) Washer woman and her dog.
Shelter Island NY; The Children on Cartwright's Lawn, 1892.
Shelter Island; Our (Indian) Washer woman.
Shelter Island; Our (Indian) Washer woman and her baby
Shelter Island; Coming through the Fields.
Blackwell's Island, Cell in Penitentiary.
The Lighthouse on North Brother Island.
Day Camp "Middletown" on old ferry boat.
Sea Breeze, Coney Island.
[Group of babies resting in the shade.]
"Homewood," City & Suburban Homes Company's Settlement in Long Island when being built.
Blackwell's Island. View down the main walk from superintendent's cottage.