Valuable Lots to be Sold by Jas. Bleecker & Sons onThursday 19th of May 1836
[Lots between Seventh Avenue and East Bank Street at Thirteenth Street]
[Lots between Morris and Morrisania Avenues, between 161st and 162nd Streets]
Old Marble Cemetery.
The Dead-house in Old Marble Cemetery.
East 110th Street [64th Street to 178th Street]
A Map of Three Distinct Prcels of Valuable and Improved Property Situated in the 7th, 11th, and 13th Wards of the City of New York
The Old Marble Cemetery -- proposed for a play ground, taken in summer 1895.
Old Marble Cemetery Wall.
Map of Property to be sold at Public Auction at the Merchts Exchange by J. Bleecker & Sons on Thursday 29th January 1835 at 12 1/2 o'clock
Second Avenue between 11th and 12th St. [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
[Lots near the former Cross Street, located near City Hall]
[Lots between King and Hammersley Street, including Houston Street, from MacDougal to Smith Street]
[Map of lots from Greenwich Street to Washington Street between Warren Street and Chambers Street]
Map of Property in the Ninth Ward of the City of New York, belonging to the Estate of W. W. Gilbert, dec'd
[Map of lots from Greenwich Lane to 14th Street at intersection of Seventh Avenue]