6th Ave & 23rd St.
Map of Property Belonging to Francis W. Ford and Mary C. Hoffman
West 15th Street [Ninth Avenue to Twelfth Avenue, West 3rd Street to 23rd Street]
Map of Property in the Ninth Ward in the City of New York Belonging to Henry, Fitz, and Jacob Peterson
[133rd Street to 148th Street, 6th Avenue to the Harlem River]
[Map of lots from 138th to 142nd Street, between 6th Avenue and the Harlem River]
[Survey and map of several lots of building ground on the west side of Greenwich Street between Beaver and Rector Streets...belonging to the heirs of Isaac Stoutenburgh deceased]
[Lots between Seventh Avenue and East Bank Street at Thirteenth Street]
Map of the Common Lands from 26th Street To 43rd Street.
[Looking west on 23rd Street from the 6th Avenue El.]
[Lots from 3rd Avenue to Eagle Avenue, between Clifton Street (161st Street) and 163rd Street]
[South east corner of 11th Street and 6th Avenue.]
[Morrisania lots from 1-18 between Boston Avenue and Union Avenue and from Home Street to 168th Street]
A Map of Piece of Harlem Heights on Manhattan Island
Masonic Bldg., 6th Ave. and 23rd St.
View of the Southeast Corner of 23rd Street and 6th Avenue.
6th Avenue Subway Construction, 15th Street.
[Map of property from 93rd Street to 99th Street, between 8th Avenue and Bloomingdale Road]
[Masonic Temple, 6th Avenue and 23rd Street.]
A Plan of the Water Lots in the Out Ward in the City of New York which were ordered to be granted the 23rd July 1772