A Fourth Ward Colony in the Bad Old Days.
Jersey Street Rookeries.
An Old Wooster Street Court.
Flagged Hallway in the "Big Flat."
Organized Charity. At "Caroline Rest" A.I.C.P.
It costs a Dallar a Month to sleep in the Sheds.
Yard in Jersey Street Tenement.
Dens of Death.
In Poverty Gap, West Twenty-Eighth St. An English Coal-Heaver's Home
How the Other Half Lives
An old rear-tenement in Roosevelt Street.
The Old Church" Tenement.
"The Old Church" Tenement.
Case No. 25,745 on the Society Blotter: Annie Wolff, aged seven years, as she was driven forth by her cruel step-mother, beaten and starved; and as she appeared after six months in the Society's care.