The New York skyline from Welfare Island
New York Coliseum
[New York City views]. Skyline.
["New York Scenes" composite photograph]
New York skyline
Exterior of the New York Stock Exchange
Diorama, the founding of the New York Stock Exchange (Buttonwood Agreement)
Main Stairway, Museum of the City of New York
New York City views. 59th Street from roof of Century Apartments.
[View of South Street and ships at the Museum of the City of New York]
Diorama, new york stock exchange,opening day of 2nd liberty loan, october 22, 1917
[Two views of Calache at the Museum of the City of New York]
Diorama, New York Stock Exchange, 1881, 10 and 12 Broad Street
[Museum of the City of New York, view of second floor gallery looking south]
Diorama of the New York Stock Exchange and Board, 1850, at the Merchants' Exchange
The "New Yorker" a red rose developed and introduced by Jackson and Perkins
The New Arrivals Building, Idlewild Airport
[New York City skyline]