[Alley Pond, showing Buhrman's store.]
New York City views. Central Park, apartment house over pond.
New York City views. St. Moritz Hotel and others, reflected in pond, 3.
New York City views. Central Park, pond between rocks, 59th Street buildings.
[Foster House, near Alley Pond.]
Queens General Hospital. Jamaica, [Queens].
Cord Meyer Development, Forest Hills [Queens].
New York City views. From Central Park, distant buildings thru trees.
[The pond and Central Park South]
Central Park looking north from terrace of St. Moritz Hotel.
59th Street Buildings over Fountain in Central Park
St. Johns Evangelical Lutheran Church, Myrtle Avenue and Interboro Parkway, Queens.
First Presbyterian Church. Murray Street and Barclay Street, Flushing, [Queens]. Exterior.
[Queensboro] Central Library, Jamaica, [Queens]. Murals in small library (children's).