[Map of John de Peyster's Land]
[Map of lots from Washington to Renwick Streets between Spring and Vandam Streets]
[Map of Intersection of Spring Street and Varick Street]
Map of Auction Sale of Valuable Business Property on Broome Street, Near South 5th Avenue
Varick Street and Charlton Street. American Chocolate Co. [?] factory, rendering by T. de Portels sp.?.
John H. MacDonald
Vicinity of 190 Prince Street. View of model tenements showing range in kitchen.
Vicinity of 190 Prince Street. View of model tenements [street scene].showing range in kitchen.
189 Varick Street at the corner of King Street. Tenements.
Canal Street at the S.W. corner of Broadway. National City Bank.
46 Varick Street. St. John's Protestant Episcopal Chapel, interior.
Greenwich Street at the N.E. corner of Spring Street. Building.
551-559 Greenwich Street. Garage at N.E. corner of Charlton Street.
201 Varick Street at Houston Street. United States Appraisers Stores, entrance detail.
596 Broadway. Engel, Hess and Co., steam boiler and nozzles for steaming feathers.
183 Varick at King Street, S.W. corner. Corey [sp?] Building, general exterior view.
583 Broadway. Kramer Bros., steam boiler, drying oven and plating vat.
143-155 Varick Street at Vandam Street, S.W. corner.
155 6th Avenue.
233-245 Spring Street.