The Children of the Jacob A. Riis House on my lawn, summer of 1901.
Children in "The Ship," destroyed by B. of Health in 1897, after the visit of Roosevelt & myself [Jacob A. Riis] there.
Shelter Island NY; The Children on Cartwright's Lawn, 1892.
In one of the uptown schools of the New York Kindergarten Association.
Children's Aid Society, the New House.
["The Battle with the Slum" poster for Riis lecture.]
[Man and woman with group of young children.]
Children's Aid Society Farm. View from window of the new house.
Children's Aid Society Farm at Kensico. The Old Farm House, October 1894.
Children's Aid Society: Front view of Tompkins Square Lodging House.
Boys sent to farms from New York by Children's Aid Society.