Typical Tenement Fire escape, serving as an extension of the "flat" -- Allen Street.
36-36 1/2 Baxter Street as the place was before the rear tenement was torn down by Board of Health in 1897 under the Tenement House Law.
An old rear-tenement in Roosevelt Street.
Rear Tenements in Mott Street, in which an Italian Shot his wife dead and escaped, 1894.
Rear Tenements in Mott Street, in which an Italian shot his wife dead and escaped, 1894.
36-36 1/2 Baxter St. as the place was before rear ten. was torn down by Board of Health in 1897 under the Tenement House Law.
The Old Style of Tenements, with Yards.
In a Ludlow Street tenement lodging cellar.
Bird's-Eye View of an East Side Tenement Block.
"The Old Church" Tenement.
The Old Church" Tenement.
Necktie workshop in a Division Street tenement.
Talmud School in a Hester Street Tenement.