Ground plan of a Cherry Street block showing crowding on lot.
Blindman's Alley, 22 Cherry Street.
Blindman's Alley, 22 Cherry Street
Bird's-Eye View of an East Side Tenement Block.
In a Ludlow Street tenement lodging cellar.
Mullen's Alley, Cherry Hill.
Third Prize Plan Charity Oraganization Society Competition, 1900, lot 100 x 100, Cowell & Smith.
General plan of the RIverside Buildings (A. T. White's) in Brooklyn.
Street Arabs in night-quarters -- Mulberry Street.
Necktie workshop in a Division Street tenement.
Ready for Sabbath Eve in a Coal Cellar - a cobbler in Ludlow Street.
Floor plan of one division in the Riverside Buildings, showing six "apartments."
First Prize Plan Charity Organization Society Competition, 1900, 100 x 100 feet lot.