[Aaron Burr's Tank inside old building, Centre and Duane Streets]
[Aaron Burr's old tank in building on Centre Street and Duane Street.]
Aaron Burr's famous old tank in the building on Reade, Centre and Duane Streets, on which hangs Charter of the Bank of the Manhattan Company at 42 Wall Street.
Newsboy in lodging house, 9 Duane Street.
Bootblack for pose, 9 Duane Street.
Duane Street Newsboys' Lodging House, John & Willie.
The 'Soup House Gang' Class in History in the Duane Street Newsboys' Lodging House.
Their playground a truck -- Baxter Street.
An old rear-tenement in Roosevelt Street.
Police Station Lodgers 9. Women in the Elizabeth Street Station.
Tammany Street cleaning before Waring's Days in front of 9 Varick Place.