Duane Street Newsboys' Lodging House, John & Willie.
The 'Soup House Gang' Class in History in the Duane Street Newsboys' Lodging House.
Newsboy in lodging house, 9 Duane Street.
Getting Ready for Supper in the Newsboys' Lodging House.
"Shooting craps" in the hall of the Newsboys' Lodging House.
"Washing Up" in the Newsboys' lodging house.
Bootblack for pose, 9 Duane Street.
City Lodging House, 23rd Street & First Avenue -- lodgers taking compulsary bath, "Well-nourished" fat.
Police Station Lodging Room on East Side.
Bunks in a Seven-Cent Lodging House, Pell Street
Newsboys Lodging House [9 Duane Street]