The Old Beech House.
Old Houses in the "Five Points." 1870
The Old M. E. Church on John St.
Doremus, Suydam & Nixon Importers & Jobbers of Dry Goods
Livingston's Sugar House
[Rose and Frankfort Streets.]
Rhinelander's Sugar House
A. Front View of Burns' Coffee House, Broadway. ; B. Rear View of Burns' Coffee House.
Temple Street [Temple Street to Wall Street]
Fulton Street [Collect Pond to Fulton Street]
Ye Olde Chop House
Old Jersey Ferry House, Corner of Greenwich and Cedar Streets
Government House
Old Bowery Theatre, 1863.
Marston Mansion.
The Shakespeare Tavern New York.
Ye Olde Chop House, 118 Cedar St. June, 1950.
Richmond Hill House or Theater.
Beach House, Cor. of Cedar & Greenwich St.
[North Reformed Dutch Church.]