[Map of land from Lispenard Street to Duggan Street, between Chapel Street and Church Street.]
The Widening of Broadway between 32nd and 59th Streets
First Avenue between 15th and 16th Streets [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
[Map of lots between 17th Street and 24th Street, 2nd Avenue to 5th Avenue]
[Map of the Washington Heights]
Map of Property Belonging to Geo. F. & Henry B. Opdyke, adjoining the New York City Private Park, situated in the 24th Ward of the City of New York
[Map of lots from 138th to 142nd Street, between 6th Avenue and the Harlem River]
[Map of lots between 5th Avenue and 4th (Railroad) Avenue, from 94th to 97th Street]
[Map of land between 4th (Railroad) Avenue and 5th Avenue, from 94th to 97th Street]
[Map of lots at intersection of Exchange Place and Broad Street]
[Map of area from Lexington Avenue to Madison Avenue between 33rd - 38th Street]
4th Avenue and 13th St.
[Sketch map of Kingsbridge Road and 5th Avenue between Harlem Road and 196th Street]
Second Avenue and 13th St. [First Avenue to Third Avenue]
[Map of lots between White and Walker Streets at Broadway]
[Map of lots from Broadway to the Bowery, between Bleecker and 4th Street]
[Map of lots from Charles Street to Scott Street between Greenwich Street and Greenwich Lane]
Doorway: 204 West 13th Street