Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform
Another "Wonderful Tin Box."
Making the Tin - Box - Boys Look Like Pikers.
Tin Box Lode.
A Puzzle to the Tin-Box Boys.
The Tin Box Chorus.
Seating List. Testimonial Dinner to Mrs. Charles H. Sabin
What Happens to Your Dollar, Mr. Taxpayer.
[Poster in front of Tammany Hall during the McClellan - Hearst campaign for Mayor.]
Two Good Reasons to Support Fusion.
Women and Repeal: The Story of the Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform
"I'm a 'New" Tammany as Long as it Doesn't Hit My Pocket - Book."
[Mrs. Charles H. Sabin (neé Pauline Morton), the director of the Women's Bureau of the National Republican Committee, at her desk.]
Fusion vs. Confusion.
Our Choice for Leader - Frank J .Goodwin
Enough Like This and Tammany Will Win.
The Outsider - By His Failure to Prosecute.
Politics - Tammany Hall
[Testimonial dinner to Mrs. Charles H. Sabin.]
[Mayor John P. O'Brien speaking at a Tammany Hall event.]