Dinner to the Honorable Charles H. Truax President of the Manhattan Club
Complimentary Dinner Tendered to Hon. Alfred E. Smith, Hon. Victor J. Dowling, Hon. Morgan J. O'Brien, Hon. Owen D. Young and Hon. Perry Belmont
Madison Ave. and 25th Street [MacDougal Street to Maiden Lane]
Testimonial Dinner to Hon. Henry Morgenthau - Ambassador to Turkey
Dinner tendered to Brigadier General John J. Phelan of the 93rd Infantry Brigade, N.Y.N.G.
Dinner in Compliment to Our Honorary Members
Dinner to the Hon. James G. Blaine.
Dinner of the Twenty-ninth Street Members of the Engineers Club Commemorative of the Opening of the First Clubhouse
Testimonial Dinner to the Hon. Ignace Jan Paderewski given by the Civic Forum, New York
Dinner in honor of His Excellency Count Johann Heinrich von Bernstorff
Testimonial Dinner to Dr. Ernest R. Birkins
[Testimonial dinner to Dr. Ernest R. Birkins.]
[Testimonial dinner to Mrs. Charles H. Sabin.]