285 Madison Avenue. Stein, Hall and Co., small lobby.
285 Madison Avenue. Stein, Hall and Company. Interior, large lobby
383-85 Madison Avenue. Main lobby and elevator hall, north side.
400 Madison Avenue. Gruntal-Lilienthal and Co. branch, interior entrance lobby.
299 Madison Avenue. Main lobby.
260 Madison Avenue. Lobby detail.
[444 Madison Avenue, lobby.]
285 Madison Avenue. Murray Hill Building
[Murray Hill Building, 285 Madison Avenue.]
[299 Madison Avenue. Main lobby.]
[444 Madison Avenue, outside lobby.]
385 Madison Avenue. Carrier Engineering Co., office lobby, glass block wall.
Madison Avenue and 41st Street. Johns-Manville Co. Building, 11th floor lobby.
[444 Madison Avenue, mailbox in lobby.]
625 Madison Avenue. Lobby floor plan, colored rendering.
383-385 Madison Avenue. Detail in lobby.
East 58th Street and Madison Avenue. The Madison. Interior, ground floor lobby
[444 Madison Avenue, main lobby elevator bank.]