130 West 30th Street. From near N.W. corner of 30th Street and 6th Avenue looking S.W. towards 7th Avenue, 1:24pm.
130 West 30th Street. Looking S.W. at location of new building, 1:34pm.
West 32nd Street and 7th Avenue. Hotel Statler, view from Penn Station looking N.E..
497-499 7th Avenue at 27th Street, S.E. corner/ also 491-495 7th Avenue adjoining. Loft buildings.
525 7th Avenue at the N.E. corner of 38th Street. Fashion Center Building.
7th Avenue and 34th Street, N.E. corner. R.H. Macy and Co. annex, under construction.
36th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Looking S.E.
855 6th Avenue and 30th Street. Lobby towards 6th Avenue.
36th Street at the N.E. corner of Broadway. Looking N.E.
855 6th Avenue and 30th Street. Lobby towards rear.
855 6th Avenue at 30th Street, N.W. corner. General exterior.
246 West 39th Street. General view from window of 239 West 39th looking south at north front to 246 West 39th Street, 2:41pm.
67 West 44th Street. N.E. corner of 44th Street and 6th Avenue.
West 38th Street and 7th Avenue. Hotel Navarre.
39th Street and 7th Avenue.
37th Street and 8th Avenue, N.E. corner. Perspective rendering by Brigden.
175 West 12th Street and 7th Avenue, N.E. corner. Apartments.
1600 Broadway and 48th Street, N.E. corner/also 48th Street and 7th Avenue, N.W. corner. .