Broadway and Warren Street [Broadway & Murray to Broadway & Canal Street]
Warren Street [Wall Street to Waverly Place]
Broadway and Canal Street [Broadway & Murray to Broadway & Canal Street]
View of Warren Street New York
Hirshkind & Co.
J.J. Early & Co., Retail Clothiers
Building, New York Sporting Goods Co., 15 & 17 Warren St.
Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co.
The Shaker Extract of Roots is a Cure for Dyspepsia
Rice & Goldenberg
Building, S.S. Long & Bros., Warren St. (Eggs, butter & cheese).
J. B. Porcher
Map of the Sixth Ward in the City of New York
Button & Ottley
J. L. Lindheim
Broadway, New-York, 1836
Wells, Fargo & Co. ; Cortelyou's ; Alfred Munroe & Co.
[North east corner of Canal and Hudson Streets.]