59th Street.
7th Avenue, south to West 44th Street.
Looking west on northern sidewalk of 59th Street.
Southwestern corner of 7th Avenue and West 29th Street.
7th Avenue between 23rd and 24th Streets.
7th Avenue between West 34th and West 35th Streets.
7th Avenue and West 21st Street.
Lexington Avenue between 76th and 77th Streets.
[Lexington Avenue and East 75th Street.]
59th Street and 6th Avenue.
Southwestern corner of 7th Avenue and West 44th Street.
[7th Avenue near Central Park.]
60th Street and Park Avenue.
Prospect Park West.
7th Avenue between 30th and 31st Streets.
[7th Avenue and West 58th Street, looking north to Central Park.]
Central Avenue bridge.
Railroad tunnels and bridge, south of Central Avenue.
9th Street in Brooklyn.
Park Avenue and 41st Street.